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Investigator Development Workshops March 16, 2022
NIH Grants Review 101
Lystranne Maynard Smith, PhD
Laurent Taupenot, PhD
Aruna Behera, PhD
Center for Scientific Review
National Institutes of Health
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
4:00 – 5:30 PM Eastern
Register for the Workshop at https://www.rcmi-cc.org/registration/
The Center for Scientific Review is the portal for NIH grant applications and their review for scientific and technical merit.
The purpose of this workshop is to provide useful insights into the application submission and peer review processes. In addition, separate breakout rooms for questions will be available for postdoctoral fellows, early-stage investigators and mid-career investigators. Finally, information will be shared about the Early Career Reviewer Program.
In advance of the workshop, questions can be sent to: ryanagih@hawaii.edu
Specific Aims Page 101
Harlan P. Jones, PhD
University of North Texas Health Science Center
Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., PhD
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
2:30 – 4:00 PM Eastern
Register for the Workshop at https://www.rcmi-cc.org/registration/
The purpose of this interactive workshop is to provide useful insights into the preparation of a compelling Specific Aims page, which serves as the executive summary of all NIH grant applications. Participants will be guided on how to structure the Specific Aims page and how to overcome common pitfalls and to avoid careless mistakes
In advance of the workshop, questions can be sent to: ryanagih@hawaii.edu