The Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO) Core will enhance engagement and strengthen partnerships with Indigenous Pacific Peoples, defined as Native Hawaiians, other Pacific Islanders, and Filipinos and other medically underserved communities in Hawaii to accelerate the pace of clinical and translational research (CTR) advances to close the gaps in health disparities. Specifically, the CEO Core will strengthen the statewide Laulima Collaborative for community-engaged CTR, facilitate the conduct of community-engaged CTR and employ community-drive strategies to disseminate the implement CTR findings.
Services provided:
- Community Engaged CTR
- Cultural issues regarding assessment, measurement, and research designs
- Research development strategies for faculty from underrepresented groups
- Developing community relations with trust building
- Consultation on Community Engaged CTR projects from conception to dissemination
- Linking Community Engaged CTR investigators to local, national, and international resources
- Mentorship
- Mentoring/tracking junior faculty engaged in Community Engaged CTR
- Assist with community dissemination
Core Leaders