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ISCORE-RC Clinical Research Coordinator Development Program
The ISCORE-RC (IDeA State Consortium for Clinical Research – Resource Center), affiliated with PIKO (Center for Pacific Innovations, Knowledge, and Opportunities), is pleased to announce the availability of its Clinical Research Coordinator Development Program. This is a comprehensive training program for clinical research coordinators. It is meant to build clinical research coordinator workforce capacity in Hawaii so that we can take advantage of more clinical study opportunities in the State of Hawaii.
The program is open for applications from all PIKO participating institutions. We are seeking trainees (new Research Associates/Coordinators in need of Clinical Research training) and their preceptors (experienced Clinical Research Coordinators overseeing/supervising them from within their organization). Participation is free. This program combines the usual trainee’s on-the-job training with flexible, self-paced online learning in regulatory guidelines, ethics, human subject protection, study coordination and diversity inclusion in recruitment and retention. The on-the-job training is linked to preceptor training with an intent to ensure there is practical application of skills and competency checkpoints. Upon completion of the core content, trainees will receive a Clinical Research Coordinator basic training certificate and will be eligible for further training towards an advanced training certificate and membership in the ISCORE-RC CRC Academy, a networking and professional development platform that includes current research coordinators at participating sites as well as trainees.
Full information is available at https://www.iscorerc.org/ . For information locally, please email our ISCORE-RC Coordinator Lorna Nagamine RN lornan@hawaii.edu or Hawaii Site Director Cecilia Shikuma MD shikuma@hawaii.edu.